“Thug” Is The New “Nigger”


  By this time I’m sure the title of this post has caught your attention. Before you become apprehensive, uncomfortable and attempt to discredit my work let me plead my case. I will articulate this to the best of my ability.

Sensationalistic journalism and coined phrases seem to be the catalyst for big stories by today’s major media outlets. Many people universally agree the media is the greatest tool used to perpetuate propaganda. This of course doesn’t stop us from tuning in to get our daily dose of fear lace with biased partisan.

In regards to the well being of my conscious mind, I only watch the news in moderation. However, when I do watch the news, I can’t help but see the racial disparities when a story is being covered. Or maybe I’m experiencing what is known as “racial ear”, a disease that effects 10 out of 10 black men in America ages 5 to 99.

Its no sceret that crime is prevalent in America. So when crime occurs i expect the media to cover it without bias. But it seems  when a person of color commits a crime, or the media wants to discredit someone, they receive an additional label. That label is the word thug.

I would have no issue with the word if it was used to describe a every who commits a violent crime. Unfortunately, that is not case, hence my articulate rant. I need someone to help me understand why only blacks and Latinos are carrying the social stigma as well the burden for this word. I’m my opinion when the media uses the word “thug” that is the politically correct way of calling someone a “nigger”

My suspicions were confirmed when Standford graduate and NFL corner back Richard Sherman was called a thug after a passionate post game interview. I could give more examples, but I think you get the point. Yes, I just “took it there” are you uncomfortable & apprehensive yet?

I’m a advocate for equality, even when it comes to covering stories of criminals. The word “thug” is used as tool of demonization. It is no different when the media calls someone who is of middle eastern decent a “terrorist” The problem is people loose focus of the crime & begin associating the derogatory word with the  contemporary ethnic groups. We all know how powerful the unconscious mind is.

As far as I’m concerned a person who shoots and killls people in a movie theater or gables away people’s retirement & life savings of hundreds for greed and financial gain on wall street is a “terrorist” and “thug” as well.

I don’t shy away from controversy, I don’t turn the other cheek, nor do I pray for my enemies. I hold a mirror to society, unfortunately the reflection isn’t always pretty. I hope this makes aware, uncomfortable and angry. I pray this sparks social awareness, i am only a voice.

Signing off

Terrance Thomas
Soon to be “the angry black guy”


  1. ShelbyCourtland · October 24, 2014

    What you say is true. Everything is ‘coded’ and PI(politically incorrect). It happens every day and we all see it especially when a cop kills a young unarmed Black male. It doesn’t matter if he was unarmed or not, the first thing that the media does is to check for a record and then immediately, the deceased young Black man is considered a ‘thing’ that needed to get killed because he was a ‘thug’ code word for the ‘N’ word. Personally, I don’t like that word because of its origins and so I don’t use it.

    Of course the cops always use the same tired old adage, “he went after my gun and I feared for my life,” and that is what they’re told to do and it works damn near every time. Well, every time, quite actually because the taxpayers end up paying the lawsuit settlements as a result of outright murder perpetrated against innocent victims by racist cops.

    I’ve written about much what is similar to this until my hands turned purple and many times I want to give up but as long as Black people are getting murdered for being Black, I’m not going to stop. And believe me, I’m not nice about it! I shove back and I shove back hard and I don’t give a hot damn if it’s not liked! We don’t like being hated for something we have no control over and for damn certain not having had control over being in America in the first place!

    And I have also pointed out, times too numerous to count of how white criminals get away with fraud, money laundering, drug distribution and on a larger, grander scale than anything Black people have ever been able to get away with, not to mention, Black people do not control how the drugs get into America, that’s on some white mess and don’t they know it, but like you pointed out, we don’t see them in handcuffs on the evening news. Even with two supposedly powerful Black men in key positions, Barack Obama and Eric Holder, the plight of Black America has suffered more since those two ascended to their positions. If anything Black America has lost more than has been gained since the arrival of those two Uncle Toms on the scene. We’ve nothing to thank them for especially seeing as how many Black men are cooling their heels in ‘for profit’ prisons all across this racist, nasty, corrupt hellhole.

    Great post!

    • Terrance Thomas · October 24, 2014

      Unfortunately this is the society we live in. I think the biggest problem we face in this country is the race issue. Caucasians predominantly think that we live in a “post racial” country while those who are disenfranchised know this is a fallacy. There is no middle ground.

      • ShelbyCourtland · October 24, 2014

        Again, what you say is true and there never will be a middle ground because “there are none so blind as those that will not see.” Look at what’s taking place in so-called ‘Black’ cities all across America. Detroit, for example is the latest city to have gentrification creep in which means that all poor Black people are going to have to leave. I hear that the Chinese are buying up neighborhoods, sight unseen and I’m sure it’s true because I just read today that foreclosures are on the rise and property can be snapped up for a song. If the whites don’t gun us down in the street, they’re making us homeless and when the people turn to crime because they can’t get hired, they’re dubbed thugs and criminals and “oh gosh, they’re just animals that can’t be contained, so put them down already!” That’s the consensus of the white ‘majority’.

        Oh and thanks for the follow!

        P.S. Check this out!
        and this one: http://shelbycourtland.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/i-am-clothed-by-melanin/

      • Terrance Thomas · October 24, 2014

        Interesting, I haven’t heard that. Then again I haven’t really been keeping up with Detroit like a should. That’s unfortunate what’s happening, those people will have no where to go. I’ll be sure to check out the attached post. Thanks for the follow as well. Always nice to meet someone who speaks against social injustice

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